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Administrative Copying

The administrative copying of copyrighted-protected works includes 1) the development of a course of study, unit or program offered by the university, and 2) the governance of the university or of a faculty or department of the university.

Administrative copying for educational purposes that falls under the University’s Copyright Policy permits the copying and communication of a short excerpt of a copyright-protected work without seeking permission or payment of royalties.  An example of administrative copying for educational purposes includes the copying and emailing of a periodical article for use in the development of a course of study.

Administrative copying of copyrighted-protected works outside the Copyright Policy includes the governance or administration of the university or a faculty or department of the university. Examples include the copying and emailing of a periodical article to the board of regents or to members of a faculty dealing with the operation of the university, and to the making of a copy for the purpose of training administrative staff. Copyright permissions must be secured from the copyright holder. Contact the Copyright Office for further information.